Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How has the American media changed since 1990 What have been the Essay

How has the American media changed since 1990 What have been the political consequences - Essay Example When dealing with media, many people think of television, radio, internet, and mails. Television is the news source most relied on by the American people. The media takes the effort to share information or entertain different people in different language and location (Sterling and Kittross, 2002). Media first begun when the cavemen shouted to send a warning or communicating with people, earshot which was closer to modern methods of media, and technology such as horn, bells, drums, and fire signal. Eventually people started to use more complex methods to communicate to the next generation. The first real change in media came with the introduction of the printing press. For years the technological development of media involved distance, speed, number of copies, and quantity. Every new technology was a balance of these demands (Sterling and Kittross, 2002). The pony express was used to deliver mails faster than any other method. Speed and distance helped in the development of telegraphs. In American, the first practical telegraph was invented by Samuel Finley Breene Morse, also known as an artist. The telegraph became the most effective form of media. With the successful development of the telegraph and telephone in America communication was much easier. At this time electricity was used and with the use of electricity, the radio was introduced. Radio broadcasting thus became the new electrical communication. The telegraph, telephone, and radio were the quickest ways of communication (Sterling and Kittross, 2002). The radio reduced the reliance on wires, and also reduced the production of copies and hand-lettering. However, media development was slow and experienced some challenges such as the freedom of press, regulation of broadcasting and other issues. Freedom of press: Freedom of press can be traced back to the ratification

Monday, October 28, 2019

Critical Incident Essay Example for Free

Critical Incident Essay It was a cold friday afternoon as I sat at the bus stop waiting to get home. I had just got out of an intense Friday lecture from the Northampton local Mosque. The Imam was furious and obviously disgusted at the behavior of our generation. How do we live with ourselves Imam Aseem Ibrahim had said. Most of us have enough to feed ourselves and our family, even buy the latest gadgets just because we can but do we feed the poor? Do we clothed them? He said in anger as he chocked on the words. The lecture kept on playing in my head as I waited for the bus. It made me realize, we could do some good with the money we spend on some unnecessary things especially the ones we buy for ourselves to please others. Earlier, I had planned on buying the new Manchester United away jersey, but with what the Imam said, I dont think I need it anymore. I could use at least half the money to do good for others. Just as I drift on my thoughts, I noticed a fish and chips cart which reminded me of the breakfast and lunch I had missed. I had been staying up late studying that I forgot about a couple of meals. Dont starve yourself in the course of feeding others. The Imam had said while giving his lectures. I starved myself but it wasnt because I was trying to feed anybody, I was just trying to catch up on loss time. I got up and got myself some fish and chips then sat back at the bus stop seats. As soon as I had the first swallow, I realized I could help poor people by feeding them delicious food with a reasonable amount of money. The food was relatively cheap. I smiled and continued to enjoy. Halfway through my meal, I saw a little Indian boy with an elderly woman walking towards my direction. The boy smiled at me so I smiled and offered him my food. The little boy smiled again and shook his head. Are you sure? He shook his head and stopped walking. Alright then. I went on with my meal. A few minutes later, the bus arrived and just as I motioned to get on it, the elderly woman furiously said some words to me in Hindu. I shrugged and got on the bus. When I arrived home, I found my roommate Taneem watching a Hindu movie. I noticed something weird as I watched a little with him. Why is the subtitle saying yes while the woman keeps shaking her head? I asked. Because shaking your head is to Indians as nodding your head is to us. Shes saying yes. Taneem explained. Even though it was minutes after I had left the boy and the woman, I felt so embarrassed at what I did to the boy. My intentions were good, but it looked otherwise.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

An Analysis of Langston Hughes Poem, Freedom Train :: Hughes Freedom Train Essays

An Analysis of Langston Hughes' Poem, Freedom Train There is very little left to the imagination when reading Langston Hughes "Freedom Train". His ideas of being free are apparent from the beginning of his poem. However, although he spells everything out, he still leaves a couple of things for his readers to figure out. He starts off wanting to know all about this train he keeps hearing. He says, "I read in the papers about the Freedom Train. I heard on the radio about the Freedom Train." He wants to know everything he can about this train. Its almost as if everybody knows there is such thing as a train, but its almost as if no one knows what the train is. Towards the middle of the poem the realist in Hughes comes out. He goes into the doubts that most African Americans had at the time. He says, "Down South in Dixie only train I sees got a Jim Crow car set aside for me." Another interesting technique he adds is when he capitalizes the "WHITE FOLKS ONLY" and "FOR COLORED" signs. He either does this to draw attention to the cause, or to try and know what it feels like to have these signs sticking in your face. He specifically mentions Birmingham, Mississippi, and Georgia during the poem. These were key cities that were into segregation of the South. "When it stops in Mississippi will it be made plain everybody's got a right to board the freedom train." Hughes almost is becoming a little agitated in the poem when he refers to these cities, especially when he is talking about Birmingham. "The Birmingham station's marked COLORED and WHITE, the white folks go left, the colored go right." In this part of the poem, he is questioning w hether or not this Freedom Train is too good to be true. He sounds like he doubts a little of what this Freedom Train is all about. He knows there is a train, but there have been a lot of promises before that were not fulfilled, he does not want to get his hopes up before he finds out more about this train. Towards the end of the poem , he starts sounding like the optimistic Hughes we all have come to know and love.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Host Chapter 2: Overheard

The voices were soft and close and, though I was only now aware of them, apparently in the middle of a murmured conversation. â€Å"I'm afraid it's too much for her,† one said. The voice was soft but deep, male. â€Å"Too much for anyone. Such violence!† The tone spoke of revulsion. â€Å"She screamed only once,† said a higher, reedy, female voice, pointing this out with a hint of glee, as if she were winning an argument. â€Å"I know,† the man admitted. â€Å"She is very strong. Others have had much more trauma, with much less cause.† â€Å"I'm sure she'll be fine, just as I told you.† â€Å"Maybe you missed your Calling.† There was an edge to the man's voice. Sarcasm, my memory named it. â€Å"Perhaps you were meant to be a Healer, like me.† The woman made a sound of amusement. Laughter. â€Å"I doubt that. We Seekers prefer a different sort of diagnosis.† My body knew this word, this title:Seeker. It sent a shudder of fear down my spine. A leftover reaction. â€Å"I sometimes wonder if the infection of humanity touches those in your profession,† the man mused, his voice still sour with annoyance. â€Å"Violence is part of your life choice. Does enough of your body's native temperament linger to give you enjoyment of the horror?† I was surprised at his accusation, at his tone. This discussion was almost like an argument. Something my host was familiar with but that I'd never experienced. The woman was defensive. â€Å"We do not choose violence. We face it when we must. And it's a good thing for the rest of you that some of us are strong enough for the unpleasantness. Your peace would be shattered without our work.† â€Å"Once upon a time. Your vocation will soon be obsolete, I think.† â€Å"The error of that statement lies on the bed there.† â€Å"One human girl, alone and unarmed! Yes, quite a threat to our peace.† The woman breathed out heavily. A sigh. â€Å"But where did she come from? How did she appear in the middle of Chicago, a city long since civilized, hundreds of miles from any trace of rebel activity? Did she manage it alone?† She listed the questions without seeming to seek an answer, as if she had already voiced them many times. â€Å"That's your problem, not mine,† the man said. â€Å"My job is to help this soul adapt herself to her new host without unnecessary pain or trauma. And you are here to interfere with my job.† Still slowly surfacing, acclimating myself to this new world of senses, I understood only now that I was the subject of the conversation. I was the soul they spoke of. It was a new connotation to the word, a word that had meant many other things to my host. On every planet we took a different name.Soul. I suppose it was an apt description. The unseen force that guides the body. â€Å"The answers to my questions matter as much as your responsibilities to the soul.† â€Å"That's debatable.† There was the sound of movement, and her voice was suddenly a whisper. â€Å"When will she become responsive? The sedation must be about to wear off.† â€Å"When she's ready. Leave her be. She deserves to handle the situation however she finds most comfortable. Imagine the shock of her awakeninginside a rebel host injured to the point of death in the escape attempt! No one should have to endure such trauma in times of peace!† His voice rose with the increase of emotion. â€Å"She is strong.† The woman's tone was reassuring now. â€Å"See how well she did with the first memory, the worst memory. Whatever she expected, she handled this.† â€Å"Why should she have to?† the man muttered, but he didn't seem to expect an answer. â€Å"Needbeing your word. I would choose the termwant. â€Å" â€Å"Then someone must take on the unpleasantness,† she continued as if he had not interrupted. â€Å"And I think, from all I know of this one, she would accept the challenge if there had been any way to ask her. What do you call her?† The man didn't speak for a long moment. The woman waited. â€Å"Wanderer,† he finally and unwillingly answered. â€Å"Fitting,† she said. â€Å"I don't have any official statistics, but she has to be one of the very few, if not the only one, who has wandered so far. Yes,Wanderer will suit her well until she chooses a new name for herself.† He said nothing. â€Å"Of course, she may assume the host's name. We found no matches on record for the fingerprints or retinal scan. I can't tell you what that name was.† â€Å"She won't take the human name,† the man muttered. Her response was conciliatory. â€Å"Everyone finds comfort their own way.† â€Å"This Wanderer will need more comfort than most, thanks to your style of Seeking.† There were sharp soundsfootsteps, staccato against a hard floor. When she spoke again, the woman's voice was across the room from the man. â€Å"You would have reacted poorly to the early days of this occupation,† she said. â€Å"Perhaps you react poorly to peace.† The woman laughed, but the sound was falsethere was no real amusement. My mind seemed well adapted to inferring the true meanings from tones and inflections. â€Å"You do not have a clear perception of what my Calling entails. Long hours hunched over files and maps. Mostly desk work. Not very often the conflict or violence you seem to think it is.† â€Å"Ten days ago you were armed with killing weapons, running this body down.† â€Å"The exception, I assure you, not the rule. Do not forget, the weapons that disgust you are turned on our kind wherever we Seekers have not been vigilant enough. The humans kill us happily whenever they have the ability to do so. Those whose lives have been touched by the hostility see us as heroes.† â€Å"You speak as if a war were raging.† â€Å"To the remains of the human race, one is.† These words were strong in my ears. My body reacted to them; I felt my breathing speed, heard the â€Å"But one that even they must realize is long lost. They are outnumbered by what? A million to one? I imagine you would know.† â€Å"We estimate the odds are quite a bit higher in our favor,† she admitted grudgingly. The Healer appeared to be content to let his side of the disagreement rest with that information. It was quiet for a moment. I used the empty time to evaluate my situation. Much was obvious. I was in a Healing facility, recovering from an unusually traumatic insertion. I was sure the body that hosted me had been fully healed before it was given to me. A damaged host would have been disposed of. I considered the conflicting opinions of the Healer and the Seeker. According to the information I had been given before making the choice to come here, the Healer had the right of it. Hostilities with the few remaining pockets of humans were all but over. The planet called Earth was as peaceful and serene as it looked from space, invitingly green and blue, wreathed in its harmless white vapors. As was the way of the soul, harmony was universal now. The verbal dissension between the Healer and the Seeker was out of character. Strangely aggressive for our kind. It made me wonder. Could they be true, the whispered rumors that had undulated like waves through the thoughts of the of the I was distracted, trying to find the name for my last host species. We'd had a name, I knew that. But, no longer connected to that host, I could not remember the word. We'd used much simpler language than this, a silent language of thought that connected us all into one great mind. A necessary convenience when one was rooted forever into the wet black soil. I could describe that species in my new human language. We lived on the floor of the great ocean that covered the entire surface of our worlda world that had a name, too, but that was also gone. We each had a hundred arms and on each arm a thousand eyes, so that, with our thoughts connected, not one sight in the vast waters went unseen. There was no need for sound, so there was no way to hear it. We tasted the waters, and, with our sight, that told us all we needed to know. We tasted the suns, so many leagues above the water, and turned their taste into the food we needed. I could describe us, but I could not name us. I sighed for the lost knowledge, and then returned my ponderings to what I'd overheard. Souls did not, as a rule, speak anything but the truth. Seekers, of course, had the requirements of their Calling, but between souls there was never reason for a lie. With my last species' language of thought, it would have been impossible to lie, even had we wanted to. However, anchored as we were, we told ourselves stories to alleviate the boredom. Storytelling was the most honored of all talents, for it benefited everyone. Sometimes, fact mixed with fiction so thoroughly that, though no lies were told, it was hard to remember what was strictly true. But there were whispers of this: of human hosts so strong that the souls were forced to abandon them. Hosts whose minds could not be completely suppressed. Souls who took on the personality of the body, rather than the other way around. Stories. Wild rumors. Madness. But that seemed almost to be the Healer's accusation. I dismissed the thought. The more likely meaning of his censure was the distaste most of us felt for the Seeker's Calling. Who would choose a life of conflict and pursuit? Who would be attracted to the chore of tracking down unwilling hosts and capturing them? Who would have the stomach to face the violence of this particular species, the hostile humans who killed so easily, so thoughtlessly? Here, on this planet, the Seekers had become practically a militiamy new brain supplied the term for the unfamiliar concept. Most believed that only the least civilized souls, the least evolved, the lesser among us, would be drawn to the path of Seeker. Still, on Earth the Seekers had gained new status. Never before had an occupation gone so awry. Never before had it turned into a fierce and bloody battle. Never before had the lives of so many souls been sacrificed. The Seekers stood as a mighty shield, and the souls of this world were thrice-over indebted to them: for the safety they had carved out of the mayhem, for the risk of the final death that they faced willingly every day, and for the new bodies they continued to provide. Now that the danger was virtually past, it appeared the gratitude was fading. And, for this Seeker at least, the change was not a pleasant one. It was easy to imagine what her questions for me would be. Though the Healer was trying to buy me time to adjust to my new body, I knew I would do my best to help the Seeker. Good citizenship was quintessential to every soul. So I took a deep breath to prepare myself. The monitor registered the movement. I knew I was stalling a bit. I hated to admit it, but I was afraid. To get the information the Seeker needed, I would have to explore the violent memories that had made me scream in horror. More than that, I was afraid of the voice I'd heard so loudly in my head. But she was silent now, as was right. She was just a memory, too. I should not have been afraid. After all, I was called Wanderer now. And I'd earned the name. With another deep breath, I delved into the memories that frightened me, faced them head-on with my teeth locked together. I could skip past the endit didn't overwhelm me now. In fast-forward, I ran through the dark again, wincing, trying not to feel. It was over quickly. Once I was through that barrier, it wasn't hard to float through less-alarming things and places, skimming for the information I wanted. I saw how she'd come to this cold city, driving by night in a stolen car chosen for its nondescript appearance. She'd walked through the streets of Chicago in darkness, shivering beneath her coat. The words came slower and slower, and at first I did not understand why. Was this forgotten? Lost in the trauma of an almost death? Was I still sluggish from unconsciousness? I struggled to think clearly. This sensation was unfamiliar. Was my body still sedated? I felt alert enough, but my mind labored unsuccessfully for the answers I wanted. I tried another avenue of searching, hoping for clearer responses. What was her goal? She would find SharonI fished out the nameand they would I hit a wall. It was a blank, a nothing. I tried to circle around it, but I couldn't find the edges of the void. It was as if the information I sought had been erased. As if this brain had been damaged. Anger flashed through me, hot and wild. I gasped in surprise at the unexpected reaction. I'd heard of the emotional instability of these human bodies, but this was beyond my ability to anticipate. In eight full lives, I'd never had an emotion touch me with such force. I felt the blood pulse through my neck, pounding behind my ears. My hands tightened into fists. The machines beside me reported the acceleration of my heartbeats. There was a reaction in the room: the sharp tap of the Seeker's shoes approached me, mingled with a quieter shuffle that must have been the Healer. â€Å"Welcome to Earth, Wanderer,† the female voice said.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Instruction for Fixing Your Player Problems

Instruction to enable the true power of AAC encoded sound. 1. Synchronization problems. OK, so you have downloaded FASM release, tried to play it on your favorite player and it failed, because they have synchronization problems between video and audio. You think that if you have never before experienced such problems, the player is OK, but the video is not. WRONG!!! FASM releases contain a bit different stream and it is known that even if its MPEG4 specification correct, some players don't handle it properly.It happens mostly with older players and sometimes update fixes problem, so you do not need to change your favorite player completely, but if you wish to try a player i consider the best read below. Remember you are doing this on your own risk, so don't blame me if for unknown reason something f†¦. up. 2. Downloading the copy of the best player i know. The official version of Media Player Classic Home cinema Edition you can find here: http://mpc-hc. sourceforge. net/ but if you are looking for latest ALPHA version go here: http://www. xvidvideo. ru 3. Configuring the Media Player Classic Home Cinema Edition.OK so the next step is to configure your fresh player properly. It is good to do one thing before start using this player. It is known that old configuration of it (in case you used it before) can cause strange problems, so I recommend run regedit. exe, then find and delete completely this key. HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareGabest Start the player and go to OPTIONS-INTERNAL FILTERS. Then enable all filters, like below Next double click on AAC to go into its properties. First thing you need to set is 24Bit Output Sample Format, then you can decide you want to have stereo or 5. 1 sound. Then go to audio switcher and set the proper Volume Gain.For unknown reason for me the internal AAC filter of MPC HCE is not as loud as DTS one. This gives the impression of bad dynamics, but can easily be fixed. Set the level you think is good for you. You can also use Nor malize function. Next if you do have different sound cards in your system you can choose which one can play it here. You can also enable proper renderer for video enabling you to use Subtitles At the end make sure you have enabled your player as the default player of your system here. 4. Credits I want to thank everybody who have created this wonderful program. Keep up the good work! (c) 2011 FASM

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on The Last Spin

We all judge too much by outward appearances. What most people don’t understand, is that no matter how different we all think we are, you can always find some type of common ground. In the story, The Last Spin by Evan Hunter, the characters, Tigo and Dave, didn’t realize that till it was too late. They were supposed to be enemies from different sides, but as the game progresses, they see that they aren’t that different after all and become friends. Those who are in a gang usually wear a certain color or something to let people know what they’re representing. I think that it’s almost like a death wish saying , "Look at me! I’m your enemy! Shoot me!" That was all too true in this story. "†¦ he wore a green silk jacket with an orange stripe on each sleeve. The jacket told Dave that Tigo was his enemy. The jacket shrieked. ‘Enemy, enemy!’ " This is exactly what I mean, he didn’t know anything about this guy and already he was his enemy. You could tell that nothing good would come of this. They didn’t like each other at all. Nothing good can come out of paying Russian roulette. It’s a stupid game. It usually starts off really serious and as time goes you could stike up a conversation with whomever your playing with and all of a sudden you don’t want to g through with it. " †¦ He put the gun to his head. ‘ Wait!’ Dave said. Tigo looked puzzled. ‘What’s the matter?’ " Dave didn’t want to lose this guy now. You could tell that he liked Tigo and he didn’t want him to die. They started talking and realized that they aren’t that different. Sometimes it’s easier to tell a complete stranger about your life but not be able to tell your closest friend what going on with you. All you have to do is to get comfortable just talking to that person and it all flows out naturally. " ‘Sometimes I think I’m chicken,’ he said to Tigo." You just don’t say that to someone in thug life. You could see ... Free Essays on The Last Spin Free Essays on The Last Spin We all judge too much by outward appearances. What most people don’t understand, is that no matter how different we all think we are, you can always find some type of common ground. In the story, The Last Spin by Evan Hunter, the characters, Tigo and Dave, didn’t realize that till it was too late. They were supposed to be enemies from different sides, but as the game progresses, they see that they aren’t that different after all and become friends. Those who are in a gang usually wear a certain color or something to let people know what they’re representing. I think that it’s almost like a death wish saying , "Look at me! I’m your enemy! Shoot me!" That was all too true in this story. "†¦ he wore a green silk jacket with an orange stripe on each sleeve. The jacket told Dave that Tigo was his enemy. The jacket shrieked. ‘Enemy, enemy!’ " This is exactly what I mean, he didn’t know anything about this guy and already he was his enemy. You could tell that nothing good would come of this. They didn’t like each other at all. Nothing good can come out of paying Russian roulette. It’s a stupid game. It usually starts off really serious and as time goes you could stike up a conversation with whomever your playing with and all of a sudden you don’t want to g through with it. " †¦ He put the gun to his head. ‘ Wait!’ Dave said. Tigo looked puzzled. ‘What’s the matter?’ " Dave didn’t want to lose this guy now. You could tell that he liked Tigo and he didn’t want him to die. They started talking and realized that they aren’t that different. Sometimes it’s easier to tell a complete stranger about your life but not be able to tell your closest friend what going on with you. All you have to do is to get comfortable just talking to that person and it all flows out naturally. " ‘Sometimes I think I’m chicken,’ he said to Tigo." You just don’t say that to someone in thug life. You could see ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Shelly and Keats The Passing of Time Essay Example

Shelly and Keats The Passing of Time Essay Example Shelly and Keats The Passing of Time Essay Shelly and Keats The Passing of Time Essay Truth and Beauty of Passing Time Neglect, death, and immortality are powerful themes of not only Romantic poets, but poets throughout every age of history. Countless works of poetry dwell on the seemingly inconsequential passing of life, while still more endeavor to discover something so significant that it can entrench itself into the folds of history as truly immortal. Two Romantic poems that engage wonderfully with these themes are Percy Bysshe Shelleys Ozymandias and John Keats Ode on a Grecian Urn. Although they take opposite approachesshelley uses Ozymandias to express the mutability of ife, while Keats uses the Urn to show that art can be timelessboth poems revolve around an object struggling against the passing of time. Both Ozymandias and Ode on a Grecian urn exemplify the struggle with the passing of time, and although the two poems appear to have opposite approaches to the subject, each can be read with a second interpretation that shows the two are actually extremely similar. Ode on a Grecian Urn beautiful captures the frozen state of the characters painted on the urn. The speaker is entirely enamored by the beauty of the scene. He peaks to each scene as he moves from subject to subject, becoming ever increasingly overwhelmed by the serenity of the Urn, What leaf-fringd legend haunts about thy shape / of deities or mortals, or of both, What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape? (Keats Lines 5-9). He focuses in on a single motionless piper, Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard / Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on (Keats 11-12), and then moves to a youth who is nearly about to kiss his love, Bold Lover, never, never canst thou kiss, / Though winning near the goalyet, do not rieve; / She cannot fade (Keats 18-19). In both pictures the speaker dwells on the apparent immortality of the piper and girl, telling the youth not to grieve because his lover will never age. This line, and in fact the entire second stanza, ends with an exclamation mark, signifying the confidence of the statement not to grieve, For ever wilt thou love, and she be fair! (Keats 20). In addition to being one of only two exclamation marks used at the end of a sentencemeaning exclamations such as more happy love! are a different use of an exclamation markit is also the only time stanza ends with an exclamation. This likely signifies how the Youths frozen beauty stands as the most important symbol of the urn. A more cynical interpretation, however, says the Youth should grieve. To be frozen Just out of reach of a lovers kiss is actually quite tragic. The exclamation mark may be the extra emphasis needed to persuade the Youth not to grieve, masking the truth of his sorrowful position, or even more dramatically, hiding the truth that the urn on which he exists will certainly not last forever. This paradoxical understanding of the sad nature of the painted fgures, hen compared to the more standard view that the figures are frozen immortally in time, can be said about the Piper that comes before and the little town that follows. All three appear at first to be suspended in splendor, but it is equally possible to interpret their position as profoundly sad. The central tone of the poem first appears to be excited wonder. The dominant use of exclamations and questions shows this. Ten question marks are used, most of which appear in the first part of the poem exclamations within the poem are centered around the middle of the poem. This akes sense in the normal interpretation: the speaker is intrigued by the urn, asking many questions about it and gets more excited the more he sees. He then begins to understand the significance of the piece, finishing with a definite and absolute ending punctuation, a period, along with the grand conclusion, Beauty is truth, truth beauty,that is all / Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know. (Keats 49-50). Upon closer reading, the second interpretation from before begins to reveal itself. Despite existing as immortal figures suspended in time, the paintings still live upon the urn. It is true that the figures have, and will continue, to outlive those that view it. The progression from this second perspective almost surpasses the progression from the normal reading. Again, the speaker has an acute fascination with the urn, expressed by the many question marks, but as he inquires about the pictures he begins to realize that the fgures on the urn should grieve the inability to ever progress through time. The abundant use of exclamations as the poem moves on is indicative of the speakers attempt to hide the truth he is realizing. The last lines of the poem also make sense when read this way. At the beginning of the 5th stanza, he says, When old age shall this generation waste, thou shalt remain (Keats 46), which tells of the urns longevity. However the last line, Beauty is truth, truth beauty, says two things simultaneously. First it expresses the truth that all things pass away, showing that even the urn cannot exist for all of eternity. Second, it is a recognition that the truth of the urn, that all things eventually cease to exist, is also the most beautiful element of the urn. The Grecian Urn shows the speaker that existing in a frozen state of bliss is in fact not wonderful. It shows him that the passing of time, and with it all things, is the truth and the beauty of life, it is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know (Keats 51). A poem that beautifully captures this explanation is Percy Shelleys Ozymandias. It is far shorter than Ode on a Grecian Urn, which mirrors the scarcity of existence within the poem. It is a short poem that speaks of a short life. Also, the poem is primarily quoted by the speaker, l met a traveler from an antique and / who said.. (Shelley Line 1), which further removes the poem from the concreteness of reality; it is entirely possible that the statue has never existed at all. The speaker, and the readers of the poem, are only heard about the statue as a secondary source. He did not actually see the statue, and obviously the readers have never seen it as well. To further emphasize the transient nature of the statue, there e xists an ellipsis in the center of the third line, Stand in the desart. Near them on the sand (Shelley 3). The ellipsis shows that the portrayal of the statue is only being partially told to the reader; there is more told to the speaker by the traveler that is simply left out. Like the statue itself, only pieces of the story remain. The central body of both have been lost, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies (Shelley 4). The poem centers around a great statue raised to commemorate the life of the long past Pharaoh Ozymandias, who not is but a shadow of the both the original statue but also of the Pharaoh and the kingdom of Egypt as it existed at the time the statue was erected. Unlike Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ozymandias has no uses of question marks. It is not an inquisitive poem, there is no sense of excited wonder as described before for the urn. Instead it is a poem of resigned realization, Nothing shows the subdued feeling of the poem. The poem ends with a resigned realization that, Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare, / The lone and level sands stretch far away (Shelley 13-14). This is a line that explicitly shows the barren nature of the desert in which the remains of the statue lay, but it also comments on the boundless nd bare nature of life. Like the second reading of Ode on a Grecian Urn, this poem is content with the passing of time; death, decay, and neglect are understood as the prevailing power, along with truth, of life. No matter what is built, or written, or painted, time is a master of all elements of life, this is the truth explicitly stated in both poems. Yet, there is still some wonder to be found in the language of Ozymandias. In the same manner of the two possible readings of Ode on a Grecian Urn, there are two readings within Ozymandias. The first, as Just shown, is a omber tone of resigned realization, but it is possible to find moments of grandeur within the poem; it can be read in a similar way to the first reading of Ode on a Grecian Urn. Most immediately obvious is the fact that we, the readers, are being told this story of Ozymandias statue. There are many small and insignificant things in life, almost all of which are completely ignored. Rocks erode into sand, sun bleaches our clothes, and bad art is specifically avoided. Yet this poem takes the readers to a very specific monument. Clearly we were meant to focus on the boundless and bare element of the poem, Ozymandias would not even need to be included. A blank page of paper would do a far better Job expressing the boundless and bare truth about life. Instead the poem takes us to a statue, to a story, of a time before. We, the speaker and the reader, think of the wonder of the time that has passed. If the speaker did not, then he would not recount the story told to him by the traveler. Furthermore, despite the statue of Ozymandias existing as a broken and mangled form of what it used to be, it does still exist. It has survived through the ages, and like he Grecian urn, it will likely survive far past the life spans of those who have seen it. Even if the statute fully and thoroughly erodes away, the traveler has, through his stories, given the statue life. This life has the ability to surpass the destruction of matter, and can grow through the minds of those that hear it; this poem itself gives the statue life. There is something wistfully powerful about the story. It is a story that tells of death and erosion, but also a story the tells of greatness. The passing of life is accompanied by the brute stubbornness of humanity to exist past death. Ozymandias has successfully done that, as has Keats and Shelley. As long as humanity survives as a species the three of them will live on forever, along with the Grecian urn and the statue of Ozymandias. Both Ozymandias and Ode on a Grecian Urn contain a more in-depth, and partially opposite reading than the common first glance interpretation. Although the two first glance interpretations appear to be opposite one another, in actuality they are very similar poems that attempt to understand the truth and beauty of the relentless passing of time.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

7 Questions You Need to Answer in Your Reaction Paper Writing

7 Questions You Need to Answer in Your Reaction Paper Writing 7 Questions You Need to Answer in Your Reaction Paper Writing It may seem like an easy task to write a reaction paper when it is assigned. Now, after you have put it off until the last minute, you find out that even though it is based on your opinion, it is much harder to complete than you originally thought. A reaction paper is designed to express your response to a piece of writing. It is a tool for analyzing the piece. You will need to show your reactions to a certain article or book, the author’s focus, and how it was written. When you have to go further than â€Å"I liked it† or â€Å"I didn’t like it†, the paper gets a bit more challenging. You need to expand on your ideas and create a paper that expresses the information in a logical and well-organized manner. The structure of a reaction paper needs to be much like a five paragraph essay with an introduction that includes a thesis statement, body paragraphs to back it up, and a conclusion that works to wrap it up. One of the best ways to make sure that this paper is a success is to answer these 7 key questions. If your paper answers them, you can be sure that you have done everything the right way. What Are Your Feelings about What Was Said? After you read the piece, jot down a few things about how it made you feel. Did you feel annoyed, sad, happy, glad, or indifferent? If you felt indifferent or the piece didn’t really appeal to you, then jot that down. It can show how the author failed to invoke your opinion or feeling on the subject. Are You on the Same Page with the Author? This is a yes or no question, however, don’t stop there. Explain the reasons why you agreed or disagreed with what the author had to say. Focus on thinking of at least three reasons to support your claims. Have You Experienced Anything That Can Be Applied to the Main Ideas? You have been through a lot in your lifetime and in order to really get the most out of this paper, think about whether or not you have had any life experiences that you can apply to the piece. Have you experienced anything that gives you an advantage over others who have read the article/book and does this change your opinion on the topics being discussed? Do You Have Any Deep Knowledge Regarding the Discussed Topic? Now think about what you have learned over the years. Does anything that you’ve learned relate to the topic that the reader is discussing? If so, this information can help you write this paper. Did You Have a Different Opinion on the Topic before Reading the Paper? Before you read the paper, did you have a differing opinion about the topic? How did it change your opinion? Why is this significant? These are some questions that you will want to consider as well. Did the Author Strengthen Your Previous Opinion of the Topic? Think about whether or not the paper firmed your opinion on the subject and why it did. This will help you decide whether or not the paper was persuasive and whether it had good evidence. Is the Main Point Supported by Evidence? Did the paper support the main point? Did the author back up the claims with evidence? This is a vital question that you need to consider. If your paper touches on these key points, it is a safe bet that your writing is effective and relevant. When you are able to determine the effect that the piece had on you and express it effectively, you are sure to write a great reaction paper.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Importance of a Global Approach to Regulating Corporate Governance Essay

Importance of a Global Approach to Regulating Corporate Governance - Essay Example Multi National Corporations needs to introduce excellent business practices, enhance their decision making and give valid reasons for people to invest in the company. Many companies around the world have failed due to lack of proper corporate governance. The global crisis is an example of how failure of executive and boards to manage the financial institutions, banks and other organization using proper corporate governance. The corporate governance problems are mostly experienced in countries where legal environment provides incredibly few corporate government strategies and practices, few shareholders right and few disclosure requirements. Companies can efficiently compete, and the economies can prosper well if they adopt the practices, and strategies recommended by International Corporate Governance Network. Multi national corporations should ensure that the shareholders exercise the rights through effective and open conversing and communicating information as well as engaging them in general meetings. This will be very useful and effective as it will lead to growth and expansion of companies. Transparency and disclosure of material matters concerning the Multi National Corporations should be balance and timely. Everybody interested in the company gains confidence because he or she will note the areas that need improvement or are well managed. Multi National Corporation should be aware that, disbursement of resources in proper corporate governance will inexorably bring good returns on investment and hence the corporations’ survival. They will be very successful when they adopt and implement good corporate governance strategies and practices. INTRODUCTION As corporate governance persists to be an area of spotlight for most companies especially Multi National Corporation, there are many issues and questions that firms still fight with:Â   what it is and what it is concerned with; the reason many governments and firms promoting advanced tactics in corpor ate governance (Ghosh and Chakraborti, 2010). Corporate governance is how the companies or firms make decisions, how they manage and organize themselves and how they converse with shareholders and the entire world. It deals with issues like how executives and boards are chosen, what responsibilities and mandate executives and boards have, whether shareholders and stakeholders have rights to get involved in some types of corporate decisions through participating in voting and if they have, what form they take. These issues are crucial because they endorse excellent business practices, good opportunities and decision making for investors to make certain the integrity of their investment. Since these issues are very important to improving and developing good businesses and best businesses environment, policy makers and companies are much interested in ensuring that excellent corporate government is widely adopted and is successfully institutionalized throughout the firm. Many companies and firms identify that good corporate governance is a good business strategy and good commerce practice (Bitanga and Bridwell, 2010). What many companies are focusing on is to advance their businesses specifically in the promising global market place where companies are repeatedly trying to outdo each other to ensure their businesses are effective and to magnetize new investors. Companies and firms especially the well managed ones, want to introduce

Organizational Behavior - How a successful Iranian based company like Research Paper

Organizational Behavior - How a successful Iranian based company like Hirbodan is surviving in tough times of sanctions against Iran - Research Paper Example Research will be taken to identify the measures taken by Hirbodan Company to succeed despite the difficult situation in the country (Griffin et al, 54). Hirbodan has an organization pattern that is well structured. The board of Directors are always at the top, middle level management, and then lower management (Griffin et al, 70). Due to this organizational structure, decision making and coordination of members within the organization is facilitated. Hirbodan Company mainly encourages its employees by using the theory Y used in management. The theory enables the employees to show commitment to the set goals and accept their responsibilities (Griffin et al, 75). International community especially the U.S has imposed sanctions on Iranian making the economy to suffer greatly (Owens et al, 92). Sanction imposed on the government of president Ahmedinejhad, include ban on Iranian oil, which is the backbone of Iranian economy. This affected several industries Hirbodan included. To worsen the situation President Amedinajhad’s plan on reforms on subsidy of 2010 removed subsidies on electricity and water affected industries (Griffin et al, 54). Iranian currency depreciated much making the cost of living rise and inflation skyrocketed (Colquitt et al, 128). The cost of running of a company turned high due to high cost of importing raw materials. The effects on Iran are adverse that companies are hoping for the best to have an enabling environment for investment. Hirbodan Rose against all odds and wage the storm, due to its strong foundation and the expertise offered by the founding professional (Colquitt et al, 253). It coordinated with companies in Engineering, procurement& construction to have its operations outside Iran. According to the research that was carried out in the company, the chairperson of the Hirbodan Company explained that the success of the company was mainly based on the definitive strategies and logical solutions to the firm problems (Owens

Friday, October 18, 2019

Historical figure-prove with evidence that Jesus actually excited Research Paper

Historical figure-prove with evidence that Jesus actually excited - Research Paper Example In the simplest terms, this is the case of Paul having the means to verify through James whether he had a brother Jesus or not. This is a natural means of verifying Jesus’ existence through relationships verification. This same process works in the case of for Paul directly knowing Peter, the disciple who is nearest to Jesus. If Jesus did not exist, then Peter would have told Paul so. This is common sense, given the public nature of Pauls work. Peter would have corrected him if Jesus did not exist. Also, Jesus being a life-defining figure for Paul, it would have been fantastic if he did not try to discuss Jesus with Peter and James. Peter and James would have corrected hm if Jesus did not exist. The personal relationships of Paul with James and Peter therefore stand as very solid pieces of evidence for the historical existence of Jesus. In turn, Pauls life accounts in the Bible can be taken as concrete evidence for the same (Ehrman, 2012). In Galatians 2, we have an account of the precise nature of that personal relationship and interaction between James the brother of Jesus and Paul, with Paul attesting to his being accepted by the disciples as a representative of the church to the Gentiles, in the same manner that Peter was the apostle for those who were part of the group of circumcised people. â€Å"James, Cephas and John, those esteemed as pillars, gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship when they recognized the grace given to me (Galatians 2:9 New International Version). In Galatians 1, too, Paul narrates his personal close contact with Peter, who he calls Cephas, and his encounter with James. This was when he visited Jerusalem, and when he stayed there with Peter for fifteen days: â€Å"Then after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to get acquainted with Cephas and stayed with him fifteen days. I saw none of the other apostles—only James, the Lord’s brother† (Galatians 1:18-19). Evans (2012), on the other hand, focuses on the

Can be on anything to do with microbiology (you can chose the topic) Article - 1

Can be on anything to do with microbiology (you can chose the topic) - Article Example The greatest microbial risks are because of ingestion of water contaminated with animal or human feces. Other sources of contamination are waste water discharges. Children under 5 years of age are the most affected population with these infectious diseases. Common diseases which are transmissible by water are cholera, typhoid and bacillary dysentery. Cholera is caused by gram negative rods Vibrio cholerae which are facultative anerobes. The organisms are aquatic bacteria and their distribution depends on sodium and temperature of the water. The incubation period of the disease is 1-3 days and the disease is characterised by acute and intense diarrhoea leading to dehydration. Cholera is associated with high mortality if not treated timely. Infection due to Vibrio cholera is dependent on adhesion of the cells of the bacteria to the mucous membrane of the intestine and production of cholera toxin. Cholera is very famous for its pandemics. The genes responsible for toxin production are h arbored in the CTX? segment (7–9.7 kb) of the chromosome. The strains of the organism are common in the environment, especially is estuaries. Non-culturable but viable bacteria are responsible for episodic nature and the sudden appearance of violent cholera outbreaks, followed by a rapid slowing down.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Phase response curves to light and to melatonin Essay

Phase response curves to light and to melatonin - Essay Example In human light PRC (Figure 1), the y-axis of the PRC shows the direction and relative magnitude of the phase shift in hours induced by light exposure (solid line). Circadian Time Zero (CT0) corresponds to 11:00 am and CT22-CT18 is the duration for day time activity. The black bar, which indicates the time period between 12:00 midnight – 8:00am, along x-axis represents the duration for sleeping. Bright light treatment causes the phase-delay of circadian phase, which is represented by the area from CT10 to CT18. During this period, bright light treatment causes later onset of sleeping/awakening cycle. As time progresses from CT10, stronger effect on phase-delay is observed. At CT18, this phase-delay effect is changed dramatically to phase-advancing effect. The peak phase-advancing effect coincides with sunrise. From CT18 to CT3, bright light treatment induces phase-advancing effect, causing earlier onset of sleeping / awakening cycle. This effect gradually decreases from CT19 to CT3. As noted in the graph, little or no effect is observed when bright light treatment is applied from CT14 to CT20, in which this time period corresponds to 2:00pm to 8:00pm. The intensity of the light used in bright light treatment can have direct effect on the magnitude of the phase advancement or delay. ... After this time point, this effect decreases to the lowest point to CT12. It should be noted that during this time period, bright light treatment has no phase-shifting effect on circadian rhythm. From CT18 to CT0, melatonin administration induces a phase-delay effect on circadian rhythm, however, this effect is relatively small when compared with the phase advancing effect induced by bright light treatment. From 2 hours before the onset of sleeping (CT12) onwards until time of sunrise (CT18), administration of melatonin does not exert any effect on circadian rhythm. This time duration coincides with phase delaying effect of bright light treatment. b. Using this knowledge of the phase response curves to light and to melatonin, design a protocol to alleviate the effects of jet lag when travelling from London Singapore (8 time zones eastward) The flights for travelling from London to Singapore are available both in the morning and at night. The local time in Singapore is ahead of London by 8 hours (8 time zones eastward). Assuming there are two flights travelling from London to Singapore, one flight has the depart time at 11:00 am (London local time) and arrive in Singapore at 7:00 am (Singapore local time, one day ahead); the other flight departs at 22:00 pm (London local time) and arrives at 18:00 pm (Singapore local time, one day ahead). The total duration of the flight is approximately 13 hours. The circadian rhythm may be entrained by advance or delay the sleep/awake cycle and both intake of melatonin at about 4 hours before to its natural peak in the circadian cycle or bright light treatment may induce an advance response (3). The following protocol is devised from

The concept of Open Markets and Closed Borders. HLSs311 Forum 2 Assignment

The concept of Open Markets and Closed Borders. HLSs311 Forum 2 - Assignment Example Keeping the borders closed would also cause huge inconveniences from people travelling in and out of the country. Such interventions may have far-reaching effects on the country’s economy. Even if the borders present an opportunity for terrorists and other illegal activities, such as illegal immigration, the country cannot afford to keep the borders closed. This may explain the reason the DHS has increased its presence along the border to secure legitimate travel and trade (Department of Homeland Security, 2011). Business organizations in the United States target numerous foreign markets that may require constant travels across border. If such activities are restrained, such organizations may incur huge losses. Therefore, the government should continue with its efforts aimed at securing the border without necessarily closing it. The ‘need to share’ should replace the ‘need to know’ as reflected in the 9/11 commission report. According to the report, the United States may have been attacked owing to policy issues. Before 9/11, the United States did not consider terrorism as an overriding national security issue (The 9/11 Commission, 2004). This ideology is a reflection that even if the country understood that terrorism was a threat to security, it underestimated the potential consequences. If information regarding the growth of Islamic extremism was available to security agencies. In fact, the commission asserted that the 9/11 attack was more of a shock than a surprise. The FBI also manifested its weaknesses in terms of its capability to link information collected by its agents to identify threats to the national security (The 9/11 commission, 2004). The commission also revealed that the country’s security agencies failed to manage information from the unique challenges of th e 21st century. This is an indication that, the country’s security agencies could have identified

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Phase response curves to light and to melatonin Essay

Phase response curves to light and to melatonin - Essay Example In human light PRC (Figure 1), the y-axis of the PRC shows the direction and relative magnitude of the phase shift in hours induced by light exposure (solid line). Circadian Time Zero (CT0) corresponds to 11:00 am and CT22-CT18 is the duration for day time activity. The black bar, which indicates the time period between 12:00 midnight – 8:00am, along x-axis represents the duration for sleeping. Bright light treatment causes the phase-delay of circadian phase, which is represented by the area from CT10 to CT18. During this period, bright light treatment causes later onset of sleeping/awakening cycle. As time progresses from CT10, stronger effect on phase-delay is observed. At CT18, this phase-delay effect is changed dramatically to phase-advancing effect. The peak phase-advancing effect coincides with sunrise. From CT18 to CT3, bright light treatment induces phase-advancing effect, causing earlier onset of sleeping / awakening cycle. This effect gradually decreases from CT19 to CT3. As noted in the graph, little or no effect is observed when bright light treatment is applied from CT14 to CT20, in which this time period corresponds to 2:00pm to 8:00pm. The intensity of the light used in bright light treatment can have direct effect on the magnitude of the phase advancement or delay. ... After this time point, this effect decreases to the lowest point to CT12. It should be noted that during this time period, bright light treatment has no phase-shifting effect on circadian rhythm. From CT18 to CT0, melatonin administration induces a phase-delay effect on circadian rhythm, however, this effect is relatively small when compared with the phase advancing effect induced by bright light treatment. From 2 hours before the onset of sleeping (CT12) onwards until time of sunrise (CT18), administration of melatonin does not exert any effect on circadian rhythm. This time duration coincides with phase delaying effect of bright light treatment. b. Using this knowledge of the phase response curves to light and to melatonin, design a protocol to alleviate the effects of jet lag when travelling from London Singapore (8 time zones eastward) The flights for travelling from London to Singapore are available both in the morning and at night. The local time in Singapore is ahead of London by 8 hours (8 time zones eastward). Assuming there are two flights travelling from London to Singapore, one flight has the depart time at 11:00 am (London local time) and arrive in Singapore at 7:00 am (Singapore local time, one day ahead); the other flight departs at 22:00 pm (London local time) and arrives at 18:00 pm (Singapore local time, one day ahead). The total duration of the flight is approximately 13 hours. The circadian rhythm may be entrained by advance or delay the sleep/awake cycle and both intake of melatonin at about 4 hours before to its natural peak in the circadian cycle or bright light treatment may induce an advance response (3). The following protocol is devised from

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

A Risk Management Proposal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

A Risk Management Proposal - Assignment Example Risk evaluation is also extremely important in order to minimize the occurrence of risks. The two widely used methods of risk evaluation include subjective and objective methods. Many people from different departments are involved in the process of risk management who oversee different phases of the project risk management. If case of construction industry, people included in the process of risk management are project risk manager, risk management team, project risk custodians, risk profile owners, and team members of the project. Project risk manager provides the risk management strategy to the team in order to manage the risks associated with the project. The project management team collects necessary information required for the purpose of risk management. The risk profile owners allocate the responsibility of the risks to the concerned staff. The custodians of the risk oversee and consolidate the risks within a particular risk category. The project team members provide the necessary information regarding risks to the project profile owners and the risk management team. The phases of the risk management process include establishment of context for risk management, communication of risk management, risk identification, risk analysis, risk evaluation, risk treatment, and monitoring and reviewing of the risk. Emaar is a Public Joint Stock Company whose motive is to provide the people with high standard life styles. Emaar is a Dubai based Construction Company and has been working successfully since 1997. Emaar Construction Company competes in various areas related to construction industry. These areas include building beautiful homes, master planned communities, various construction projects, and providing the customers with full range of high life style requirements. The risk occurs when the client asks for a change in the design of the building at a later stage by commenting that the design document was not shown

Monday, October 14, 2019

Gender Discrimination Essay Example for Free

Gender Discrimination Essay Laws on woman’s rights have changed a lot since the 1900’s. Women weren’t allowed to vote, get an education, and have high authority in jobs. Now, women are allowed to do all of these things and more. But have things really changed, or are they just more hidden? There are three ways in which women are discriminated against: in the workplace, television, and in politics. According to Napoleon Bonaparte â€Å"Nature intended women to be our slaves they are our property. Woman are nothing but machines for bearing children. Even though Napoleon is dead, and has been for a while now, this way of viewing women is very much alive. Why is it that woman are paid less than men for doing the same jobs? For example, a male professional basketball player gets paid way more than a woman. A 2008 study of 63 countries shows that a woman in the same job as a man with the same responsibilities is paid 10% to 15. 6% less then the man. Television plays a big part on the way that our country views woman. For example, in a commercial for pizza bites you see a women coming home from the grocery store with pizza bites, and making them for her children. Why is it that a man is never shown in the kitchen cooking for his children? Another example is on the show George Lopez. George manages an airplane parts factory, while his wife is a stay at home mom. The only thing you ever see her doing in this show is cooking, taking care of her kid, or arguing with her mother-in-law. In conclusion, women are stereotyped when cast for television roles. Television only shows woman, cleaning cooking, or taking care of their children. When it come to politics people can be very unwilling to change. For example we have never had a woman vice president or president. Each time we have a women run for president, I become more aware of gender discrimination in this country. Men will not vote for a woman candidate simply because she’s a woman. I had once seen a shirt stating: â€Å"No women will ever be president because: 1. No woman is a man. 2. See rule 1†. There has never been a women president because men in politics who vote are so unwilling to make a decision without discriminating against woman. Until America changes as a whole discrimination against woman will continue. Even though we women would like to believe otherwise they are still discriminated against: in the workplace, television, and in politics. The only way for women to be truly equal in this country is for women to get the same salary as men in careers, television to stop stereotyping women, and for America as a whole to change the way they view women, and the way they teach their children about the roles of women in society. Until this happens, women will always be discriminated against.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

17th Century Seduction Poems Are Relevant In The 21st Century Essay exa

During the 17th century, certain poets wrote poems with the specific purpose of persuading a woman to have sexual intercourse with them. Three of these seduction poems utilize several strategies to do this: Andrew Marvell’s â€Å"To His Coy Mistress,† and Donne’s â€Å"A Valediction: Forbidden Mourning† and â€Å"The Flea.† Some of the reasoning used by both poets is similar to the reasoning used today by men to convince women to have sexual intercourse with them. These gimmicks vary from poem to poem but coincide with modern day rationalization. The tactics used in 17th century seduction poems are relevant and similar to the seduction tactics used in the 21st century. Through his writing, Andrew Marvell uses several strategies to get a woman to sleep with him. In his seduction poem, â€Å"To His Coy Mistress,† Marvell first presents a problem and then offers his solution to the problem. Marvell sets up a situation in which he and his lover are on opposite sides of the world: â€Å"Thou by the Indian Ganges’ side/ Shouldst rubies find; I by the tide/ Of Humber would complain†¦.† (5-7). He has set up a circumstance in which his lover is in India and he is in England; however, this situation can be interpreted as a metaphor for sexual distance. Marvell then goes on to profess his love for this woman, telling her that he will always love her, saying â€Å"...I would/ Love you ten years before the flood† (7-8) and saying that his â€Å"vegetable love should grow/ Vaster than empires and more slow† (11). This suggests that he is promising permanence in their relationship. In doing so, Marvell is also trying to pac ify his lady’s fears of sexual relations. He wants his lover to feel secure and confident about having intercourse with him. In the second stanza, Marvell turns his attention to another â€Å"problem† that his lover might pose by not sleeping with him. He writes, â€Å"But at my back I always hear/ Times winged chariot hurrying near† (21-22). Marvell is concerned about death in this situation. He is now pleading to his woman because he feels threatened by time. He tells her that time is running out and that they had better sleep together before it is too late. Marvell solidifies this argument a few lines later by presenting the idea of death and the fact that they can not have sexual intercourse once they are dead. He writes, â€Å"The grave’s a fine and private place/ But none, I think, do there embra... ...l love, like Marvell in â€Å"His Coy Mistress,† is still used to get women in bed. It makes them feel secure in a relationship, which in turn makes them more likely to have sex with their partner. Building up the relationship, like Donne in â€Å"A Valediction: forbidden Mourning,† will also make a woman feel secure in a relationship in modern times by establishing dependability; it also romanticizes the relationship. If a woman feels she is being swept off her feet by Prince Charming, she will be more likely to get in bed. Allaying a woman’s fears will also convince her to consent to sex, much like in Donne’s first stanza of â€Å"The Flea.† He reassures his woman that sex is not a big deal. These days sex really has become quite inconsequential and men do not have difficulty pointing that out to a woman they are trying to sleep with. Generally, many of the basic ideas expressed in 17th century poetry are similar to those presented today in re lationships. Making excuses, finding arguments, allaying fears, and professing true love are all still utilized to speed along the occurrence of sexual relations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Saturday, October 12, 2019

chinese religous and ethical systems :: essays research papers

Chinese Religious and Ethical Systems   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It has often been said that the Chinese are not deeply religious. It is true that they have shown a comparative indifference to metaphysical speculation; Chinese culture was perhaps the first to develop an intellectual skepticism concerning the gods.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Confucianism Confucius (Kong Zi) lived from 551 to 479 BC in the state of Lu (in modem Shandong province). He came from a family of officials and his concern was with the restoration of the Way (Dao) of the ancient sages. His teaching was therefore related mainly to society and its government. He advocated strict conformity, and thought that fostering correct behavior, within the context of the family, would produce an ordered society. He was not particularly interested in religion, except insofar as it related to social life. However, in 59 AD during the Han dynasty, it was decreed that sacrifice should be made to Confucius and this began a process that was to make Confucian philosophy into the foundation of the Chinese political order. Confucius himself had only accepted the legitimacy of sacrifice to one's own ancestors, but from now on an official Confucian cult emerged, with its own temples. It gradually became linked with the state cult of the Emperor. From the fifth century AD Confucian orthodoxy retreated before the popularity of Buddhism and Daoism. But a renaissance came during the Sung dynasty when Confucianism responded to the challenge and developed its own metaphysics. This new trend is known as Neo-Confucianism, and its main exponent was Zhu Xi (1130-1200). It subsequently became the main orthodoxy of the scholar officials until the demise of the imperial system in 1912. In contemporary China, the Confucian cult has disappeared, but the Confucian approach to government and society retains a powerful hold on many people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Daoism (Taoism) The origins of Daoism are obscure, but it is first seen as a rival to Confucianism. The teachings of early Taoism are ascribed to Lao Zi in the fifth century BC who is the reputed author of the most influential Taoist text, the Dao De Jing (The Way and its Power). Where the Confucian stressed ethical action, the Taoist spoke of the virtue of Wu Wei (non-action), going with the flow of things. Like the Confucians, Daoists looked back to a golden age. The good ruler, they thought, guided his people with humility, not seeking to interfere with the rhythms of social life conducted within the larger patterns of the natural world and the whole cosmos.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Gender Socialization Essay

Every child is born to a particular society which has its set of values, norms and belief system. The first stage of socialization of the child is the family to which he/she is born. As the child grows, he/she is introduced to the way life is lived and the role he or she is to play in the family and the society. When a child is born, the first question that anybody asks is ‘is it a boy or a girl? †. This is the beginning of gender socialization. From that point, the clothes the child wears, the kind of treatment that is given to the child and the things that are expected of the child becomes distinguished. UNICEF defined gender socialization as â€Å"a process of learning cultural roles according to one’s sex, and provides examples of ways in which these are incorporated through parental and societal expectations from boys and girls† ( VAWnet, 2004). Taking a queue from my life experience and from my knowledge of socialization, I will say that the traits I see myself exhibiting are rubbed off on me as a result of my family socialization. At a very tender age, I grew to recognize my role in the family and how to relate with the elderly. My father taught me how to be a man and how to live the life of integrity and boldness, which he considered a necessity of any man. Furthermore, I grew up with an idea that some jobs were for ladies while some were for men. I was taught that men are strong and do not cave in to their emotions. I was taught how to be a fearless, courageous and decent young man and how it is my responsibility to look out for my family. Although I do not stay with my father and mother again, I still see some attributes of my father in me and sometimes when I do something, I smile and attribute that thing to what I learnt when I was growing up. Summarily, I believe no matter how hard we try not to draw a line between both sexes, the fact is we all have our roles in the society. Reference: http://new. vawnet. org/category/index_pages. php? category_id=813 â€Å"Gender Socialization† (2004). Retrieved on November 21, 2008.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Careers in Psychology Essay

Career Options After Pursuing a Degree in Psychology Choosing a major or a degree field to go into after graduating from high school is one of the more difficult things that recently graduated young adults have to go through. Many different aspects of a future career field are evaluated to help the individual in choosing the best career path for them. These evaluations include required education, salary, future places of employment and most importantly, what an employee in this specific area of employment will be doing. Choosing to earn a degree in Psychology offers many different possibilities for future areas of employment that can fit almost any type of person. In addition to the diversity of the field, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicted an increase in psychology job opportunities over the next decade due to increased demands for these services in education, law, hospitals, and private companies along with many more options (BLS, 2010). With so many different areas of society requiring these services pursuing a degree in psychology opens up many career paths outside the commonly stereotyped job description of psychologists. Even though many people assume that clinical psychology or other types of therapy are the only options with this degree, an individual in this study can go into fields such as neuropsychology, developmental psychology, and educational psychology. A neuropsychologist is one who has received a doctoral degree, typically a PhD, from an accredited American Psychological Association university along with completing the one year internship required for the degree, and a two year training period within a neuropsychology practice (Moberg,2006). The job description includes, studying the relations among brain structure and behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and sensory and perceptual functions along with the diagnosing and treatment of disorders related to the central nervous system. Most neuropsychologists organize and conduct academic  research relating to the aforementioned topics, along with assisting and witnessing testimony in court cases that involve judgment to the psychological conditions of the people involved. Outside of the court system, neuropsychologists usually work in laboratories, along side medical professionals at hospitals, or privately making starting salaries between $60,089 and $91,476 annually. After some years of experience an accredited neuropsychologist can make anywhere up to $300,000 a year, but the average yearly salary as of 2010 was approximately $127,460 (BLS, 2010). On top of earning a relatively large wage neuropsychologists report to having overall high job satisfaction, with less than twenty percent of them considering changing jobs or leaving the psychology field for a different one all together (Moberg, 2006). Being strongly interested in the functioning of the central nervous system and wanting to go into an area of research would make neuropsychology a top choice for anyone interested in pursuing a doctoral psychology degree. For a person who is more interested in a field dealing with people as a whole and not just the internal functioning of them, developmental psychology could be a possible career option. A developmental psychologist is someone who studies human growth and development that occurs throughout the entire lifespan. This includes biological development, but also focuses on cognitive, social, intellectual, personality, and emotional growth. Although the specific tasks of the psychologists vary based on the area they specialize in, most of them perform research and evaluations in the area of their study, such as studying a particular age range (Beilock, 2012). For example one could study how moral reasoning develops in children, or how people influence the personalities of others. Many developmental psychologists work in educational settings at colleges or universities where they conduct research as well as teach courses. Others could possibly be employed at teen rehabilitation centers, psychi atric clinics, government agencies, etc. The education required to become a developmental psychologist is a master or doctoral degree (PhD) with those holding the doctoral degree more in demand and having the greater range for employment options. The earned income of a developmental psychologist is also highly varied due to area of employment and subtopic of study. Those employed in offices of other  health practitioners earn around $68,400 annually while those employed at Individual and family services earn $57,440 a year (BLS, 2010). A career in developmental psychology allows for diversity among studies and the ability to change topics while still staying in your general field. Another non clinical or therapy related career in the area of psychology is education psychology. Going in this direction involves conducting research on how people learn, and/or designing methods and materials to enhance learning and intellectual, social, and emotional development. This area includes a number of other regions of psychology including developmental, cognitive, and behavioral. Based on the title of this career it is highly possible that an educational psychologist would be working in elementary and secondary schools, along with colleges and universities. Another possible place of employment is with government agencies specializing in education. As an educational psychologist a person could work on curriculum development, incorporationg technology into education, or the studying of gifted learners or those with learning disabilities (Doovis, 2013) The salary earned by educational psychologists was not absolutely defined, however it would have some variation pertaining t o where one was employed. A ccording the Bureau of Labor Statistics general psychologists could earn anywhere between $66,810 and $89,900 depending on who was employed where and experience of each individual (BLS, 2010). Educational psychology would be a good career for individuals interested in the betterment of educational system to produce more productive adults for society, as well as a good place for people who enjoy working with kids through young adults. Psychology degrees contain such a wide area of options for employment that almost anyone could find a job they enjoy with this major. Many of these areas also contain sub level areas for example, a person could possibly be a developmental psychologist working with elderly people on how they learn and obtain information and the connections their brain makes while doing this. Overall, whichever area of psychology one may choose to go into after receiving their psychology degree will provide many benefits to our society whether its improved schools, understanding of mental disorders, understanding of development, or even counseling. The career options are endless. References Beilock, C. L. (2012). Areas of Development in Developmental Psychology. Topics in Cognitive Science, 4, 731-739. Retrieved from Dozois, D. J. A.1. (2013). Psychological Treatments: Putting Evidence Into Practice and Practice Into Evidence. Canadian Psychology, 54, 1-11. Retrieved from Moberg, P.J (2006). The TCN/AACN 2005 â€Å"Salary Survey†: Professional Practices, Beliefs, and Incomes of U.S. Neuropsychologists. Clinical Neuropsychologist, 20, 325-364. Retrieved from Retrieved from U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2010). Occupational Outlook Handbook (2009-2010 ed.). Retrieved from

Figure of Speech and Ancient Greece Essay

Modernity has certainly evolved from the time of the ancient Greece. However, the advancements in technology have not necessarily created a Utopian society. In â€Å"Icarus,† a poem by Edward Field, a mythological character is placed in the bustling and oxymoronic reality of the modern world. Figurative language, irony, syntax, and perspectives are essential elements of Field’s relocation of Icarus, whose relocation exposes an alienating and unrelenting 20th century setting. Irony and contrast are immediately evident as Icarus’s story unfolds in the second millennium of the common era. Beginning be depicting the setting and its inhabitants, the speaker highlights some oxymorons in current behavior. Witnesses to Icarus’s mishap run off to a â€Å"gang war,† a cruel satire of urban life and ironical reversion of roles in just one line. Furthermore, Icarus’s report at the police station is â€Å"filed and forgotten,† one element denying the purpose of the other. In addition to this, modern practices appear to contrast those of Icarus’s original setting; in ancient Greece, tales were not written but sang, and they certainly weren’t forgotten. Thus, though lacking mention to the protagonist, the first stanza subtly implies immediate differences between Icarus’s traditional home and his new one. The second stanza begins with yet another juxtaposition of the original and the modified; while the foolish Icarus would have been deemed â€Å"disobedient† in his times, he becomes â€Å"nice Mr. Hicks† in modernity. As the speaker begins to describe Icarus directly, another allusion to modern tenets is made; Icarus’s suit â€Å"concealed arms,† which we soon find out though that they are not the â€Å"arms† used in gang wars but those with which he attempted flight. Icarus’s neighbors cannot perceive his sadness at the failure of his deed, though, and the gentle time (and air) traveler does not wish to upset them by revealing the truths. In this case, a metonymic â€Å"front yards† is used by the speaker to symbolize the suburban lifestyle and â€Å"moralistic† attitude of the people surrounding Icarus. In creating the final analogies and contrasts between the past and present Icaruses, the speaker draws into the tragic hero side of the protagonist and uses it in a rhetorical question at the end of the second stanza. Unfortunately for Icarus, it seems, he did not fall to his death but to the â€Å"middling stature of the merely talented†; he cannot find serenity in an environment where personal judgment (Icarus’s neighbors) cannot reconcile with the group activities (participating in committees and riding commuter trains). Using anaphora, the first two lines of the third stanza convey Icarus’s longing for tragic departure, juxtaposing nightly reflection and daily attempts at flight. Lacking the success he had in the past, even though it had cost him, Icarus comes to the conclusion that his role would have been much more satisfactory had he drowned. Field employs techniques of content (contrast and irony) and of how the content is shaped (anaphora and figurative language). In doing so, he conveys both poetically personal reflections and an effective change of Icarus’s setting, shaping this work as an even more tragic story for the protagonist than his death in had been.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Diabetes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Diabetes - Research Paper Example Based on the level of insulin secreted, diabetes is classified under three types: 1. Type 1 diabetes, which is present from childhood, in which the body secretes little or no insulin. This is also referred to as insulin dependent diabetes and genetics, viruses or autoimmune problems with the islet cells have been proposed as major causes for this type of diabetes. 2. The type 2 diabetes is a more common form of the disease which manifests only in adulthood when the islet cells begin to secrete less amounts of insulin or the body does not respond well to the secreted insulin. Increasing lifestyle changes such as lack of body exercise and food habits have been considered to be the major causative factors along with a genetic predisposition to the disease. 3. The third and an increasing occurring type is gestational diabetes wherein the mother develops the type 2 form of the disease during pregnancy which increases the risk for both the mother and the developing infant. (Diabetes, 2010) Genetic factors In the case of type 1 diabetes, which is present from childhood, studies have shown that more than 20 regions of the genome might be responsible for genetic susceptibility to the disease. Increased risk to the disease has been found to be associated with the genes present in the HLA region of chromosome 6 which includes HLA-DR, DQ, and DP. The various haplotypes of these genes are associated with increased risk for the disease in various populations and the presence of two such haplotypes together further compounds the risk for the disease. In addition, the presence of variants of the INS (insulin) gene located in chromosome 11, also predisposes the individual for the disease. Another gene that have been associated with the disease include variants of the CTLA-4 (cytotoxic T-lymphocyte associated 4) gene which is located on chromosome 2. The genes associated with type 2 diabetes are those which are involved in pancreatic beta-cell function, insulin action, metabolis m of glucose and other conditions such as lipid metabolism and energy uptake and release. Some of the candidate genes for the disease include PPAR?, ABCC8, KCNJ11, and CALPN10. In the case of maturity-onset diabetes of the young, which is the type 2 form of the disease that occurs before 25 years of age, is linked to mutations that occur in at least 6 genes which are associates with beta cell function as all the genes are expressed within the islet cells of the pancreas (Genetics and Diabetes, n.d). Psychological aspects of the disease The initial response of the individual to the disease is associated with shock and anger as it is a lifelong condition and demands a lot of restrictions and a strict life style for controlling the disease. Beginning with food restrictions and following a routine of walking and exercise, the condition also requires continuous follow-ups and is also interlinked with various other illnesses. The long term nature of the disease has also been linked to dev elopment of anxiety and depression which in turn depend on their ability to cope with the limitations imposed by the disease. Such individuals also often feel isolated and dependent on people for their daily activities, which would be more obvious in case of children (Chandra, 1997). Medical and psychological interventions The presence of diabetes needs to be confirmed through proper diagnostic and screening procedures. Diagnostic tests are taken

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Food Safety Management Systems exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Food Safety Management Systems exam - Essay Example One of the main factors that results in organizational change is the desire for growth (Branson, 2008). Organizations which want to attain certain levels of growth or expansion are always forced to change how they operate so that they are can align procedures with the new status that they want to achieve. A very classic example in the food industry is Subway sandwich chain that began its operations using different names in the 1960s. During this time, the company struggled to achieve its goals or even grows. After changing its name to Subway and also aligning its operations to be able to allow for franchising, it was able to open up several units in the United States of America. This however required the employees to also change the way they carried out their duties so that it was in line with the new desired status. The second factor which results in organizational change is the need to improve processes (Kotter & Cohen, 2002). A food business or venture which wants to implement new production process in order to be more efficient is required to carry out changes that will facilitate this. There are also food production and selling enterprises like Kraft Foods which have implemented leaner production procedures such as sigma six so that they can reduce their costs of operation and enhance efficiency. Food retailing stores like Walmart have also come up with high level service delivery systems which ensures not only the provision of quality services but also enhance and improve the entire operations and processes. The third primary factor for organizational change is the government regulations. Wyman (2001) states that the changes in government regulations directly impact on how businesses are run. Among the food processing organizations, when safety and quality regulations are changed and implemented by the government, it is usually important for the organization to change its

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Materials selection for made umbrella Coursework

Materials selection for made umbrella - Coursework Example Other parts include the spring, the runner and the finial or ferrule. This paper will discuss the materials suitable for making the pole or shaft, the canopy, and the ribs. The pole is the metallic or wooden shaft that connects the handle to the canopy. The shaft should be strong enough to withstand different forces such as part of the weight of the user (if used as a walking stick), and to avoid breaking during windy conditions. The shaft of the umbrella should be rust resistant as it commonly gets into contact with rain water. The shaft should also be made of a material that is light so that the overall weight of the umbrella is bearable. One material that is suitable for use in making the umbrella shaft is aluminium. Aluminium is more suitable for use as an umbrella shaft compared to steel, wood and other materials for several reasons. First, compared to wood, it is not affected by moisture making it suitable during rainy days (Ashby, Rayner, & Hunkin 2012). It also does not rot or gets eaten by pests such as termites, and it can withstand changes in temperature without bending or loosing shape. Compared to steel, it is light in weight and is not su bject to rust, making it more durable and long-lasting (Ashby, Rayner, & Hunkin 2012). In terms of cost, aluminium is relatively inexpensive and readily available. The canopy is the part of the umbrella that serves to keep away the rain or shield the user from sunshine. The canopy should be made of a light material that is foldable. The materials should also be washable if its get dirty. The material used to make the canopy should not be one that gets easily destroyed by water or ultraviolet rays. Most important is that the material should be water proof so that the user does not get wet in the rain. One material that is suitable for use in making the canopy is the canopy is nylon taffeta. Nylon is water proof and more durable compared to cotton and other materials

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Hume Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hume - Essay Example Hume wrote a book on religion known as the â€Å"Dialogues concerning Natural Religion†. Following is a piece from that literature: â€Å"an eternal inherent principle of order to the world† In this piece of conversation Hume is arguing on the principle of religion and the ideology propagated by the religious texts and other literature. He says that the religion has been propounded as the order to the world. The religious people always based their theory tp be the world of God and Hume is questioning the same theory by making a sarcastic point with effect that all this is a theory in nature and nothing else. The reality is something according to Hume. To this point Philo says that religion is the ultimate truth in the universe and that those who do not follow religion and despise should be given a punishment so that they understand the importance of religion as well as believe in them. To this point Hume says that all this is propaganda by the religious organizations wh o try to turn people into believing the religion of their choice so as to include maximum number of people into this theme to make their ideology powerful, but in reality there is nothing like religion which exists. He goes on to say that there are other means to achieve salvation and self-satisfaction in the world. He says that the human mind is strong enough to find the way on its own and does not need the influence of religion in its life. He says that through wisdom and knowledge of materialistic things around us we may be able to find the true reason for our survival. He believes in the origin of science and says that the only way to live a happy life is to follows the desires of the human mind rather than following what a religious text says. Following is the second quote in the essay: â€Å"The principles themselves and their manner of operation are totally unknown† This is the second quote which shall be analysed in the essay. In this quote Hume says that those who ca me up with the idea of religion themselves do not know how the whole deal with the nature started in the first place. It is a mass agenda with political ambition which has driven the concept of religion in the way as it exists in the world as of today. Following is a quotation to explain the point in a better manner: â€Å"This I affirm, from the infirmities of human understanding, to be altogether incomprehensible and unknown to us. The essence of that Supreme Mind, his attributes, the manner of his existence, the very nature of his duration; these, and every particular which regards so divine a Being, are mysterious to men. Finite, weak, and blind creatures, we ought to humble ourselves in his august presence; and, conscious of our frailties, adore in silence his infinite perfections, which eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive. They are covered in a deep cloud from human curiosity† Over here it is explained that Hu me does not think that humans are aware of the true picture with respect to the God and his origin, and whether or not he exists in the first place. Religion is an outcome of human curiosity, but according to Hume it is a very weak outcome of such curiosity. He argues on the point that the believers of religion do not want to go that extra mile in search of the truth and it their quest to attain truth and divinity

Friday, October 4, 2019

Final Project Plan for IBM Company Research Paper

Final Project Plan for IBM Company - Research Paper Example In November 2014 they announced a global partnership with Twitter. These organizations had different but functional information systems that must be integrated into the IBM system. An effective integration of the information systems at the company must be done based on an implementation plan that will ensure support for an enterprise wide business process integration and standardization. ERP systems can be complex and difficult to implement, but a structured and disciplined approach can greatly facilitate the implementation. The IBM Company is a huge company that has several branches all over the world, communication and maintenance of autonomy is one of the major factors that must be considered in implementing the integration of information systems. Additionally, IBM is one of the largest suppliers of technology hence there must be accuracy in the inventory and all transaction activities in all the branches and affiliates of the company. Finally, the company always ships all the purchases to different destinations in the worl hence the need for accuracy and follow up in shipping of all products from the company. Tis report is an implementation plan for the integration of the new information systems at IBM. The works include the overview of existing system and subsequent identification of the applications and resources needed for implementation of the integration plan. It also includes the identification of the tasks, responsibilities and the time frame for completion of the tasks. The project involves an assessment of the current enterprise integration in the company. The identified integration plan is laid out and the steps are clearly elaborated. The different responsibilities are assigned and the resources and time schedules are allocated to the different tasks and activities. Upon completion of the project the results expected include the improvement of service provision at all IBM branches,

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Farmer Boldwood throughout the novel Essay Example for Free

Farmer Boldwood throughout the novel Essay This illustrates that he is completely obsessed; he worships the ground she walks on. The news of Troys death has once again disturbed Boldwoods equilibrium, and new hope burns within him. In chapter forty-nine, following the complete ruining of his crops due to his neglectful behaviour, Boldwood appoints Oak to look after his farm. A great hope had latterly germinated in Boldwood, whose unreasoning devotion to Bathsheba could only be characterized as a fond madness which neither time nor circumstance, evil nor good report, could weaken or destroy. In this sentence the Author describes Boldwoods obsession with Bathsheba, and proves to us that although Boldwoods hopes could be temporarily subdued, his true feelings were always there. It seems as if his feelings for Bathsheba will last his entire life. Boldwoods hopes are encouraged when, after talking to Liddy he finds that Bathsheba mentioned remarrying in six years, giving him something to cling onto. Throughout the novel Boldwood thinks constantly about the best possible outcome of a situation. Liddy saying that Bathsheba once mentioned remarrying slowly evolves in his head into him believing that Bathsheba will marry him in six years. He always tries his best to keep himself hopeful. His waking hours once again become devoted to thinking about Bathsheba. In chapter fifty-one Bathsheba goes on a ride with Boldwood in his cart to Weatherbury after finding herself unable to refuse because Oak, her usual driver, was too busy and Boldwood her only alternative. After awkwardly chatting about mutual interests, Boldwood, unable to resist, bluntly asks Mrs. Troy, you will marry again some day? She is taken aback and a long pause ensues before she says she has not seriously thought of such a subject. Boldwood continues to press her, and is clutching for reassurance when he says, You never liked me. Bathsheba then talks about seriously regretting her treatment of him, and Boldwood is desperate and shameless enough to say to her Bathsheba, suppose you had real complete proof that you are what, in fact, you are-a widow-would you repair the old wrong to me by marrying me? These are the words of a truly desperate man; he does not care at all if Bathsheba loves or even likes him, but just wants her to marry him. His current mental state is worse than ever before. He keeps pressuring her about marrying him in six years time and when it seems as if she might decline, he prays on her ill treatment of him in the past, a desperate and dishonourable act. But do give it, remember the past and be kind Bathsheba eventually ends up being telling Boldwood she will tell him of her decision at Christmas. This act of Bathshebas subdues Boldwood, and as before in this situation he leaves her alone until the promised time because those simple words of hers are enough to comfort him into believing that she will eventually marry him. It is as if his life itself is centred around Bathsheba, but I think Bathsheba only promised to consider his proposal because she feared for his sanity. In chapter fifty-two Boldwood holds a grand Christmas party, something that is, evidently from the Authors words, extremely out of character. But Boldwood has sunk so fast towards insanity that his character itself has changed dramatically. Boldwood is very expectant of Bathshebas answer, and deliriously happy in the build-up to the party. Bathsheba fears the party and having to give Boldwood an answer, and deliberately wears mourning clothes to it. Boldwoods cheerful disposition will not be dampened, even when Oak tries to make him more realistic about the situation, to stop him getting his hopes up. But, as has been consistent throughout the novel, Boldwoods moods and feelings are completely uninfluenced by anyones words but Bathshebas. Because of Boldwoods cheerful mood, he increases Oaks salary, this is mainly due to his knowledge of Oaks interest in Bathsheba and seems to me like a consolation prize, because through the mental haze that obscures his judgement, he truly believes Bathsheba is his. It is in chapter fifty-three that Boldwood is finally pushed over the edge. After being verbally beaten into submission, Bathsheba gives her word to marry Boldwood in six years if Troy does not return. Still, this is not quite enough for Boldwood and he requests that she wear a ring he bought for her. The demonic force that appears to be gripping Boldwood as he almost forces the ring onto her finger is too much for Bathsheba, and she begins to cry. Soon after this, Troy arrives at the house and tries to take Bathsheba away and it is at that moment that Boldwood simply erupts he shoots troy with one of the guns on his gun rack. The old Boldwood is now completely gone replaced by a hysterical madman. When Bathsheba had cried out in her husbands grasp, Boldwoods face of gnashing despair had changed. The veins had swollen, and a frenzied look had gleamed in his eye. Able to take no more, Boldwood readies himself to commit suicide with the same gun, but is prevented by Samway. In chapter fifty-five the true extent of Boldwoods obsession with Bathsheba is revealed. He had bought a large number of gifts for he labelled Bathsheba Boldwood and dated six years in advance. His very soul was completely consumed with the idea of marrying her. Boldwood is sentenced to life imprisonment. This novel describes the degeneration of a quiet, reserved and proud man into a crazed, violent and obsessive maniac. Throughout Boldwoods life a certain equilibrium was preserved, and Bathshebas arrival and sending of the valentine disturbed it. He truly was in extremity at once. His mental state became more and more unstable until he finally exploded and shot Sergeant Troy. I believe this was the end of Boldwoods equilibrium, and he would remain mentally ill and preoccupied with the woman he would never have.